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NVIM-QT(1) User Commands NVIM-QT(1)


nvim-qt - Neovim GUI


nvim-qt [options] [file...] [-- nvim_args]


nvim executable path
Error if nvim does not respond after count milliseconds
Set initial window geometry
Apply qss stylesheet from file
Maximize the window on startup
Open the window in fullscreen on startup
Communicate with Neovim over stdin/out
Connect to existing Neovim instance
Treat positional arguments as the nvim argv
Displays version information.
Displays help on commandline options.
Displays help including Qt specific options.
Run in foreground


Edit specified file(s)
-- [nvim_args]
Additional arguments are forwarded to Neovim: "nvim-qt -- -u NONE"
June 2024 nvim-qt 0.2.18