.TH "dlarre.f" 3 "Wed May 24 2017" "Version 3.7.0" "LAPACK" \" -*- nroff -*- .ad l .nh .SH NAME dlarre.f .SH SYNOPSIS .br .PP .SS "Functions/Subroutines" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "subroutine \fBdlarre\fP (RANGE, \fBN\fP, VL, VU, IL, IU, D, E, E2, RTOL1, RTOL2, SPLTOL, NSPLIT, ISPLIT, M, W, WERR, WGAP, IBLOCK, INDEXW, GERS, PIVMIN, WORK, IWORK, INFO)" .br .RI "\fBDLARRE\fP given the tridiagonal matrix T, sets small off-diagonal elements to zero and for each unreduced block Ti, finds base representations and eigenvalues\&. " .in -1c .SH "Author" .PP Generated automatically by Doxygen for LAPACK from the source code\&.