.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by help2man 1.47.16. .TH KTIMPORTMGRAST "1" "June 2021" "ktImportMGRAST 2.8" "User Commands" .SH NAME ktImportMGRAST \- explore hierarchical metagenomic data with zoomable pie charts .SH DESCRIPTION .IP .PP Creates a Krona chart from MG\-RAST organism or functional analyses. .IP .PP ktImportMGRAST \e .IP [options] \e mgrast_table_1[,name_1] \e [mgrast_table_2[,name_2]] \e \&... .TP mgrast_table A table exported from MG\-RAST. It can be from organism or functional analysis, but all tables being imported should be consistent. By default, separate datasets will be created for each input (see [\-c]). .TP name A name to show in the list of datasets in the Krona chart (if multiple input files are present and [\-c] is not specified). By default, the basename of the file will be used. .IP .TP [\-o ] Output file name. [Default: 'mg\-rast.krona.html'] .TP [\-n ] Name of the highest level. [Default: 'all'] .TP [\-c] Combine data from each file, rather than creating separate datasets within the chart. .TP [\-d ] Maximum depth of wedges to include in the chart. .TP [\-x ] Hue (0\-360) for "bad" scores. [Default: '0'] .TP [\-y ] Hue (0\-360) for "good" scores. [Default: '120'] .TP [\-p] Use percent identity for average scores instead of log[10] e\-value. .TP [\-u ] URL of Krona resources to use instead of bundling them with the chart (e.g. "http://krona.sourceforge.net"). Reduces size of charts and allows updates, though charts will not work without access to this URL.