.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by help2man 1.47.16. .TH KTGETTAXINFO "1" "June 2021" "ktGetTaxInfo 2.8" "User Commands" .SH NAME ktGetTaxInfo \- explore hierarchical metagenomic data with zoomable pie charts .SH DESCRIPTION Description: .IP Retrieves taxonomy information for accessions or taxonomy IDs (as arguments or the first field of , separated by whitespace). If the input is a number, it is assumed to be a taxonomy ID; otherwise it will be considered an accession or sequence ID containing an accession in the fourth field of pipe notation (e.g. "gi|12345|xx|ABC123.1|", ignoring fasta/fastq tag markers [>,@]). If taxonomy information was not found for a given input line, the output line will be only the taxonomy ID, which will be 0 if it was looked up from an accession but not found. .IP Output fields are: taxID depth parent rank name .PP Usage: .IP ktGetTaxInfo [IDs ...] [< ID_list] > tax_info .IP Command line example: .IP ktGetTaxInfo A00001.1 "gi|2|emb|A00002.1|" 9606 .IP Fasta tag example: .IP grep ">" sequence.fasta | ktGetTaxInfo .SH OPTIONS .TP [\-p] Prepend tax info to the original lines (separated by tabs). .TP [\-a] Append tax info to the original lines (separated by tabs). .TP [\-f] Field of accessions. [Default: '1'] .TP [\-tax Path to directory containing a taxonomy database to use.