.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc .\" .TH "VCFUNIQ" "1" "" "vcfuniq (vcflib)" "vcfuniq (VCF filter)" .hy .SH NAME .PP \f[B]vcfuniq\f[R] .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \f[B]vcfuniq\f[R] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP List unique genotypes. Like GNU uniq, but for VCF records. Remove records which have the same position, ref, and alt as the previous record. .SH OPTIONS .IP .nf \f[C] Type: filter \f[R] .fi .SH EXIT VALUES .TP \f[B]0\f[R] Success .TP \f[B]not 0\f[R] Failure .SH SEE ALSO .PP vcflib(1) .SH OTHER .SH LICENSE .PP Copyright 2011-2022 (C) Erik Garrison and vcflib contributors. MIT licensed. .SH AUTHORS Erik Garrison and vcflib contributors.