.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc .\" .TH "VCFFIXUP" "1" "" "vcffixup (vcflib)" "vcffixup (VCF transformation)" .hy .SH NAME .PP \f[B]vcffixup\f[R] .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \f[B]vcffixup\f[R] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Generates a VCF stream where AC and NS have been generated for each record using sample genotypes .SH OPTIONS .IP .nf \f[C] Count the allele frequencies across alleles present in each record in the VCF file. (Similar to vcftools --freq.) Uses genotypes from the VCF file to correct AC (alternate allele count), AF (alternate allele frequency), NS (number of called), in the VCF records. For example: % vcfkeepsamples file.vcf NA12878 | **vcffixup** - | vcffilter -f \[dq]AC > 0\[dq] Would downsample file.vcf to only NA12878, removing sites for which the sample was not called as polymorphic. Type: transformation \f[R] .fi .SH EXIT VALUES .TP \f[B]0\f[R] Success .TP \f[B]not 0\f[R] Failure .SH SEE ALSO .PP vcflib(1) .SH OTHER .SH LICENSE .PP Copyright 2011-2022 (C) Erik Garrison and vcflib contributors. MIT licensed. .SH AUTHORS Erik Garrison and vcflib contributors.